Our mission is to deliver quality workmanship and exceptional service. Our goal is to build, renew, and reinforce today for a better tomorrow.
About Suri Steel
Suri Steel is a premier custom metal fabrication & installation company.
Suri Steel is recognized as a leader in the structural steel industry. Since being founded three generations ago, Suri Steel has also grown into a highly-regarded fabrication shop—sought out by project managers, contractors, architects, and designers who need intricate patterns and unusual shapes in a wide variety of metals.
Our team delivers custom metal products and services you want and deserve. Our clients range from commercial buildings, architects to home owners wanting to have a unique look and feel to their home. We offer high quality products and services at competitive prices. No matter how large or small your needs are, Suri Steel will help you find the right solution.
Specializing in structural steel fabrication and erection in accordance with AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 13th Edition.
In addition to structural steel we also do miscellaneous steel and have licensed and equipped rig welders available.
Suri Steel works in a highly effective team atmosphere that is fun and appreciates challenge. We make a positive contribution in all situations, striving always to act with integrity in all situations. It’s why we’re hired.
La historia de Suri Steel
El primer involucrado con Steel fue el abuelo Francisco Cartin
Él fue herrero, forjaba el metal en la fragua al rojo vivo, hacía herraduras y (ilegible) para caballos, portones, vigas y otras cosas más, uniendo los metales con remaches al rojo vivo y forjando figuras para adornar.
Sus hijos, Francisco, Eduardo, Alberto y Froylan Cartin siguieron con el oficio.
El primero en salirse de ese modo de trabajo fue Froylan, quien empezó a usar soldadura eléctrica y otros tipos de herramientas modernas, por lo cual dejó el taller familiar. Luego lo siguió el hijo mayor, Carlos Cartin, quien aprendió a soldar y fabricar, lo que lo llevó a trabajar en compañías como Productos de Concreto, Atlas Eléctrica, Tesoro del Mar y otras. Luego emigró a EEUU en 1994 y se unió a compañías de Structural Steel Fabrications and (ilegible), llegando a ocupar puestos como Operation Manager por muchos años.
Marco Cartin llegó a trabajar a la compañía donde trabajaba su padre y empezó su training para Iron Worker en sus etapas de aprendiz, ayudante, soldador, etc, etc.
Lo demás…
The history of Suri Steel
The first person involved with Steel was grandfather Francisco Cartin
He was a blacksmith, forging the metal in the red-hot forge, making horseshoes and (unreadable) for horses, gates, beams and other things, joining the metals with red-hot rivets and forging decorative figures.
His sons, Francisco, Eduardo, Alberto and Froylan Cartin continued the trade.
The first one to leave that way of working was Froylan, who started using electric welding and other types of modern tools, so he left the family workshop. He was followed by his eldest son, Carlos Cartin, who learned to weld and manufacture, which led him to work in companies such as Productos de Concreto, Atlas Eléctrica, Tesoro del Mar and others. He then migrated to the US in 1994 and joined Structural Steel Fabrications and (unreadable) companies, eventually holding positions as Operation Manager for many years.
Marco Cartin came to work at the company where his father worked and began his training for Iron Worker as an apprentice, assistant, welder, etc, etc.
The rest…